
Magic Makers Kidfest

A unique fest built around the literary and cerebral development of students. An attempt to enliven young minds and trigger imaginations to inculcate habit of reading, writing and articulating.

The planned activities will help bring about a change in the mindset of students towards literature, creative writing and exploring knowledge beyond stipulated curricula.

The fest is held in the premises of school for two days the school gets converted into a creative retreat and students enjoy participation in various workshops and sessions enriching their young minds.

The lead-up to kid fest will be 1 month exercise involving school faculty and specialists. This will culminate into two day excusive event wherein talent from all over India will be invited to share métier with students teacher and parents (optional).

The fun, interactive workshops by leading talent, NGO’s, SALT(Society for Arts & literature) committed to betterment of students would be at the premises to lead the effort.

The fest ends with felicitations, awards and rewards for students as well as teachers for making all positive efforts.